Monday, November 7, 2011

Final Draft

Abel Parra
World Geography
Ms. Jaeger
November 7, 2011

The World Today With Slums
A place where people live in a filthy place and don't take care of them self is a place where slums live. A slum is person who lives in dirty place because of economic problems. One problem that slums have and that affect the human environment is that they are to over populate. Slums affect our human environment because they are to over populated, are dirty, and spread a lot of diseases. That is what a slum is and what it’s doing. Slums affect human population because they are too overpopulated. The population is increasing all over the continent of Africa including places like Kienan and some places near their. This is saying that if we don’t do something about it, it may increase some more all over the world. The population of slums is not the only things that affects are world. The way slums live is that they don't clean their area and they are dirty. Slums don't have place to pee so they pee where ever they want to pee. This could mean every where slums might be it won't be that pleasant. That is one of the reasons that affect our world and which dirty places also leads us to disease. Slums bring a lot of disease to our environment. For example, slums poop and pee on public restrooms and we might not know what kind of disease they have after they are done. This means what ever they have we can get contaminated with. This is some reasons slums affect our environment. In conclusion slums affect our human population are dirty, and spread diseases. As you can see slums bring a bad affect to our environment. Would you want our world to be like this?

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